Southport Flower Show 'A View of the Olive Tree'. The Design.
Southport Flower Show 'A View of the Olive Tree' The Design.
Southport Flower Show 2016
In association with C&W Berry
The theme for Southport Flower Show for 2016 is ‘Mediterranean’, and when we were approached by C&W Berry’s in Leyland to design their first show garden, we immediately set to work designing a garden which would both fit the Mediterranean theme and also incorporate some of the products which they supply. Quite quickly the choice was made to use porcelain tiling and from there it became obvious that the garden was going to have a contemporary theme.
Perspective view of the proposed garden.
The plan was hatched and the full brief for the garden was for it to have a Mediterranean look and feel. The garden itself was to have a modern/contemporary feel, be organised around a large social family, have shade for the sun, a kitchen area where fresh food can be prepared and of course have a pool to cool off. All this to be softened with Mediterranean styled planting. So plenty to fit into a small show garden space but concepts were prepared and a final design chosen which is the design that will be built in August at the show.
End perspective view of the proposed garden.